Movie-a-week-ish Thing: Week 3 – Action Bub: First Dart

Ladies and gentlemans, I give you Action Bub: First Dart – the tale of a soldier-type guy who finds some smugglers of highly explosive material and fights them some. Enjoy!

It was fun to make, but I was running through myself to get it done – something tells me either I need to make a few “filler” videos for when I get tired of this, or just make them every two weeks (and every week when I can).

Coming soon…


A new video’s coming out either tomorrow or Tuesday!

It involves explosions and stuff, so I wanted to upload it tomorrow, it being the 4th of July and all (celebrated nation-wide with explosions). But alas, this project was a little too much to finish in a week and, on top of that, it isn’t quite as good as I wanted it to be. No matter – it still has explosions and guns and stuff.

So prepare yourself – this could get explody and stuff.

AND! I have a Facebook fan page now! Like it, if you feel like it.

More videos starting… NOW

I am beginning to make more videos. I just made the second video in a project I have just begun – I will make one video every one or two weeks for the next few months. Dunno how many, but I’ll try a few months and see how it goes.


Ubiquitous cheesy poster-thing

For now, things are running smoothly, but once school starts I may need to stop for a while.

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy my two new videos. Oh, and visit my youtube page while you’re at it.


Natey Noire:

Ninja Coolmoves and Other Activities

I have been quite non-productive of late, what with schoolwork, wrecking my pretty little car, and procrastination, I have not had the time to make anything except for the NINJA COOLMOVES CHRISTMAS SPECIAL.

First, schoolwork. I currently have  a 4.0 GPA, so I’m happy.

Lastly, THE NINJA COOLMOVES CHRISTMAS SPECIAL!! After premiering a month ago, Ninja Coolmoves has garnered universal acclaim…. Not really – my group of friends liked it, though. Those measly 23 views need to go up….

SO, this is my life, and life is good, except when it’s not.

And here is the aforementioned Christmas Special, which is awesome.

I am broke

Yes. I am. I have no money at the moment. I have, like, a million things I want, but I have no money.

Finally, after the long winter months, I ran out. Guess that’s what happens when you help somebody buy a huge TV, a PS3 and related goodies. It’s all GONE.

BUT, on the bright side, my bro had me design a website for our mowing business, so he should be paying me handsomely soon, but that money will be gone quite shortly, since one of my friend’s birthdays is coming soon and I have a lot of stuff I’m looking at spending my precious cash on.

For one, I REALLY want Mass Effect. I totally NEED that game.

Also, I am in desperate need of this new MacHeist bundle that just came out. It’s got like, seven appz. I totally NEED that bundle.

ALSO, I kind of want to have money for gas, since I might end up going places in the future (since the snow has finally dissipated, mostly) and doing stuff. Didn’t even get a driver’s license until recently, so it would be prudent to use my newfound freedom (read: slavery – my grandma enjoys sending me on missions to the local store) to go to other locations to film movies. Unfortunately, I still need a good idea for a good movie, other than the INCREDIBLE Ninja Coolmoves, which my brother loves playing.

Sigh. Guess I’ll have to come up with something. I really want to do something comedic for a change, like my old movie The Dog (video is after the break). Ah, well. Guess I’ll just deal with not making movies for a time until I get highschool done. Continue reading


SO! I haven’t put ANYTHING on this site in months, and it seems to be really quiet around here. Like, I’ve never gotten a comment or anything. But whatever. I guess I’m so awesome nobody can formulate words in the presence of my total awesomeness.

ANYWAY, I have some things I’ve done lately, including actually FINISHING Ninja Coolmoves 2. I shall be uploading both the first one and the second one soon to Youtube, but for now, HERE is the facebook fan page. Both episodes are on there, including a teaser photo for number 3, which will probably never get made (at least, not in the shape the current footage is in). Now, further progress has been made on an incredibly awesome thing I’m doing. I mean, this thing is gonna be awesome. It’ll rock so hard your socks will fly off, and you might die from laughter.

Actually, I don’t have anything planned at all, and I have no idea if it will, in fact, rock your socks off or, alternately, make you die from laughter. I’ll just wing it and try to make something awesome.

Tens Years Behind

Just recently, on the 22nd of this month, I got to watch the Matrix… for the FIRST TIME. Bleh. AWESOME MOVIE, I just wish I would have watched it earlier!

So… what else has been on the agenda lately? All kinds of things. Vile things. Evil things. Things that would send chills up your spine…..

Not much. Other than being INCREDIBLY AWESOME. As usual. Man, I am really wishing more people visited this site. Actually, probably not, for I don’t really ever have anything to say, except for the fact that I’m planning on making another movie with my brothers! Yes! The creator of such wondrous and fantastic films such as Fighting Stuff, The Dog, A random HUD TEST MOVIE and some other random crap that isn’t awesome at all is going to make another masterly masterwork of cinemagic wonder!

Dunno what it’s going to be called, but I’m hoping to film something random this Sunday.

Now, for the aformentioned Fighting Stuff! Me and Matt made this movie like, two years ago. Still epic, though.

Back again

Sorry for not updating, but I’ve been testing out this new cryogenic stasis chamber. It malfunctioned and woke me up too soon, so I felt obliged to update my blog.

But really, I should update this thing more often. I’ve been making stuff and doing things. Some of these stuff and things have been two different projects. One of said projects is already done. This project was the first episode of the epic awesomeness that is Ninja Coolmoves (my little brother’s crime fighting alter-ego) which was pretty much just an awesome test with my new camcorder. I’ve already begun working on the second episode which should be done some time soon. The other project is, of course, the Epic Adventures of Stalker and Bubbles. We’ve already finished over half of the movie (which is about 5 minutes) and two scenes still have to be filmed, so it’s going quite well.

You have been informed.

Before I go, here is a picture of my stasis chamber. It looks to be of Ancient design, but I’m still trying to get it to accept a link to our technology. Right now, “250 years” usually outputs to about 10 hours.

Stasis Chamber

Writing Scripts!

Yay! Matthew and I just finished writing the script for the first episode our new (and first ever) web series called The Epic Adventures of Stalker and Bubbles. It’s a story about these two dudes who fight and stuff then go and blow things up. I’m Bubbles. Matt’s Stalker. Yeah. Bubbles was inspired by a crazy name my second cousin gave me a few months ago.

Filming shall begin on Sunday if the weather’s good. We will be filming in a nice high spot with some rocks. I shall be quite happy to satisfy my urge to stand atop said rocks.

Hopefully the movie shall be epic enough to post up here. The unfortunate thing is that I JUST ordered the Canon HV30, but I’m stuck right now with my little DV camcorder I got four years ago. So it’s standard definition for this episode, but all episodes after it (if they get made) will be in HD. W00t for super huge resolutions that are bigger than my screen!

Oh, and I got a haircut. My fedora was having a hard time fitting on that mop of mine. 😛

