Movie-a-week-ish: Week 4 – The Abduction

Here is the biggest, awesomest motion picture event of last week: The Abduction – a tale of a man, his outhouse, and an alien from outer space.

It took me a week and a half this time (mostly because of how much CG work was involved), and it may be 2 weeks before i make another video. Hence the “week-ish” part of my project’s name. 😛

Movie-a-week-ish Thing: Week 3 – Action Bub: First Dart

Ladies and gentlemans, I give you Action Bub: First Dart – the tale of a soldier-type guy who finds some smugglers of highly explosive material and fights them some. Enjoy!

It was fun to make, but I was running through myself to get it done – something tells me either I need to make a few “filler” videos for when I get tired of this, or just make them every two weeks (and every week when I can).

Coming soon…


A new video’s coming out either tomorrow or Tuesday!

It involves explosions and stuff, so I wanted to upload it tomorrow, it being the 4th of July and all (celebrated nation-wide with explosions). But alas, this project was a little too much to finish in a week and, on top of that, it isn’t quite as good as I wanted it to be. No matter – it still has explosions and guns and stuff.

So prepare yourself – this could get explody and stuff.

AND! I have a Facebook fan page now! Like it, if you feel like it.

More videos starting… NOW

I am beginning to make more videos. I just made the second video in a project I have just begun – I will make one video every one or two weeks for the next few months. Dunno how many, but I’ll try a few months and see how it goes.


Ubiquitous cheesy poster-thing

For now, things are running smoothly, but once school starts I may need to stop for a while.

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy my two new videos. Oh, and visit my youtube page while you’re at it.


Natey Noire: