Epsilon Etiquette

There comes a time when an individual must stop doing frivolous things to make room for school and life in general. Me? I have to give up making movies and stuff – somehow I still find time for video games, however.

On that same note, I recently discovered a game that surprised me with its complexity and enjoyability despite the majority of bad reviews – and it was 2 bucks due to the recent Steam sale, so I’m probably just a bit biased. This game is Alpha Protocol – one of Obsidian Software’s only original intellectual properties. They’ve made sequels to famous games such as Knights of the Old Republic 2 and Neverwinter Nights 2, not to mention the recent Fallout: New Vegas, but never a real game of their own.

All these have one thing in common: rampant bugs. Alpha Protocol is a buggy, unpolished mess of a game when it comes to combat and stealth, but it shines in its dialog system, which I believe to be second to none. It really reminds me of the dialog system from Mass Effect, except it is actually even better. The choices made in the game actually make changes to the story – people hate you or love you according to your actions, and there are no less than ten endings or so.

This game is awesome, but if you’re hesitant to buy a buggy, unfinished game, I would recommend waiting for another steam sale. Not to say $20 (its current price) is bad.

Movie-a-week-ish Thing: Week 3 – Action Bub: First Dart

Ladies and gentlemans, I give you Action Bub: First Dart – the tale of a soldier-type guy who finds some smugglers of highly explosive material and fights them some. Enjoy!

It was fun to make, but I was running through myself to get it done – something tells me either I need to make a few “filler” videos for when I get tired of this, or just make them every two weeks (and every week when I can).

Coming soon…


A new video’s coming out either tomorrow or Tuesday!

It involves explosions and stuff, so I wanted to upload it tomorrow, it being the 4th of July and all (celebrated nation-wide with explosions). But alas, this project was a little too much to finish in a week and, on top of that, it isn’t quite as good as I wanted it to be. No matter – it still has explosions and guns and stuff.

So prepare yourself – this could get explody and stuff.

AND! I have a Facebook fan page now! Like it, if you feel like it.

More videos starting… NOW

I am beginning to make more videos. I just made the second video in a project I have just begun – I will make one video every one or two weeks for the next few months. Dunno how many, but I’ll try a few months and see how it goes.


Ubiquitous cheesy poster-thing

For now, things are running smoothly, but once school starts I may need to stop for a while.

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy my two new videos. Oh, and visit my youtube page while you’re at it.


Natey Noire:

Working in BLENDER again! Yay!

Ah, it’s so nice to mess with Blender again after so long. I decided to model a Mustang about a week and a half ago, and for some reason can’t stop myself from messing with it at any given time. It’s not done yet, but iz awesome.

Blender addiction. Is it a BAD thing that I want to make cg stuff all the time instead of school?

And an earlier render of the rear end:



SO! I haven’t put ANYTHING on this site in months, and it seems to be really quiet around here. Like, I’ve never gotten a comment or anything. But whatever. I guess I’m so awesome nobody can formulate words in the presence of my total awesomeness.

ANYWAY, I have some things I’ve done lately, including actually FINISHING Ninja Coolmoves 2. I shall be uploading both the first one and the second one soon to Youtube, but for now, HERE is the facebook fan page. Both episodes are on there, including a teaser photo for number 3, which will probably never get made (at least, not in the shape the current footage is in). Now, further progress has been made on an incredibly awesome thing I’m doing. I mean, this thing is gonna be awesome. It’ll rock so hard your socks will fly off, and you might die from laughter.

Actually, I don’t have anything planned at all, and I have no idea if it will, in fact, rock your socks off or, alternately, make you die from laughter. I’ll just wing it and try to make something awesome.

Prince of Persia!!!

This looks intense

What do YOU think? I think it looks pretty dang sweet, but the girl has so much gratuitously cheesy dialog, I just don’t know. This movie WILL be awesome most likely, but the cheesiness may be too much. Still, it sticks fairly close to the video game (from what we’ve seen so far) and is totally sweet.

Tens Years Behind

Just recently, on the 22nd of this month, I got to watch the Matrix… for the FIRST TIME. Bleh. AWESOME MOVIE, I just wish I would have watched it earlier!

So… what else has been on the agenda lately? All kinds of things. Vile things. Evil things. Things that would send chills up your spine…..

Not much. Other than being INCREDIBLY AWESOME. As usual. Man, I am really wishing more people visited this site. Actually, probably not, for I don’t really ever have anything to say, except for the fact that I’m planning on making another movie with my brothers! Yes! The creator of such wondrous and fantastic films such as Fighting Stuff, The Dog, A random HUD TEST MOVIE and some other random crap that isn’t awesome at all is going to make another masterly masterwork of cinemagic wonder!

Dunno what it’s going to be called, but I’m hoping to film something random this Sunday.

Now, for the aformentioned Fighting Stuff! Me and Matt made this movie like, two years ago. Still epic, though.

Cripple Creek CE: The Awakening

Some people want to start our clan back up! This should be pretty awesome, since people don’t have quite as much to do (other than school… I think everybody IN CCCE is currently going to college) as during the summertime. It was rather annoying not being able to hop online and hang out wit’ da boyz on Urban Terror, but hopefully this will change soon.

If you aren’t a member of CCCE, then be one! We’ve got like 5 people who actually play, so it’s a little lonely sometimes.

Go to www.cripplecreekce.com for the awesome!

And, in other news, I just beat Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune for the first time. A little late to be playing it, but it was intense. Can’t wait for numbah 2!


In olden times, ancient times, and a long time ago, there were things called, “Trebuchets.” They were these really awesome and cool catapult things that would throw rocks at people. It was awesome. Like in the Lord of the Rings they had them in Minas Tirith, and they threw rocks at the orcs and stuff. It was just really cool.

Then there was the “tank,” which quickly replaced the trebuchet as siege weapon of choice because the trebuchet just kind of disappeared after people made cannons. Well, cannons kind of came first. Then guns replaced arrows and all that.

Cannons are awesome. People stuff gunpowder in them and put big metal balls inside them, then blow up the gunpowder, sending the ball hurtling through the air towards its target. How cool is that!

Cool. Cool is cool. I like cool stuff. Pepsi is good when it’s cool. I’m pretty cool. I think I left the air conditioner on too long. That’s probably why.

Why? Why do we exist?! What is the meaning of life?

Pies. And exploring the universe.

Maybe even eating said pies while exploring the universe.

Oh yeah. They’re probably apple pies too. That would be really awesome.

Ooooh! Apples are the best fruit ever. I had this apple yesterday that was pretty gross though. I think they put it in a freezer  too long.

Freezers are cool. I’ve had a Pepsi explode in a freezer before.

Explosions are awesome!

Cannons use an explosion to go through the air.

Trebuchets make rocks fly through the air. That’s cool. It was a long time ago.

Like, in ancient times.

And stuff.